lunes, octubre 15, 2012

Mirar atras: Es realmente bueno?

Realmente hay dias en los que el pasado nos juega una mala pasada por que tengo la habilidad de no recordar malos momentos, olvido facilmente las situaciones no tan agradables que nos llevan a cambiar de rumbo y si contemplo en primera fila todos los bonitos recuerdos vividos con aquellas personas que han significado mucho.

Te lo dije en Sus momento Gracias! me cuesta mirar atras por que momentos inolvidables permanecen.

A la proxima será!

Foto de recuerdo del torneo del campeonato jugado en otoño del 2012 (final ante Iran). primera fila: Josmar, Miri,Oscar,Marcelo,Pancho,Angel. Segunda fila: Jorge, Luis Miguel, y yo!

miércoles, julio 11, 2012

One more time here

Recently, I read a lot of news about the new cuts in social sectors in Spain. All of rights acquired  by thousands of people many years ago have been eliminated in two tele-news (two days). Really we can not change this situation...
A friend, Frans, told me "People don't need a leader, people should be the leaders".

miércoles, abril 11, 2012

I just want to share

I have two sisters, they are both younger than me, one is 16 years old and the other sister is 29 years old.

My (older) sister´s birthday was a few days ago. I called her earlier in the morning and we were talking around 5 minutes, when we finished the conversation many good memories from we were children came to mind. It was no easy because until this moment i didn´t feel that we are not together anymore and that these times won´t come back again.

I can remember we were always together an the time we were very close was when my mother got a job in a different city. We were living in my grandmother´s house, it was large and had 6 rooms, we slept in a room at the back of the house and it was far from my grandmother´s room. Our room was dark and my sister was scared, i´ll always remember that she all the time asked me for my hand before we went to sleep, so she would feel safe.

Sometimes i feel that i wasn´t as good brother as should have been because i like to protect as much as could and I stopped her from playing with my friends and I because she was much littler and younger than us and we played rough.

jueves, abril 05, 2012

After 3 months!

Just today I´m living in Tampere again for 3 months. It is my second period living amazing facts here, however, recently a lot of happy memories from my family come to me. I wanna enjoy with them and it will come soon! ;)

The picture above shows the magic of be a child.

miércoles, marzo 07, 2012

De vuelta a Barcelona!

Mañana estaré de vuelta con los que mas quiero, intentaré correr un par de dias por que son mas de dos meses que no siento aquella sensación.

mi mita cumple años y se merece pasarlo estupendamente! Te amo.